Saying Thank You With a Painting
“Sunset Savannah” © 2019
9×12 oil on board
“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” —Maya Angelou
Savannah Sunset
Long before you could scour the numerous studies on the benefits of gratitude with a simple internet search, I kept my own little stash of thank you notes I had received from various people. Each one was special, sweet, and most importantly hand-written. Like a hoarder, I was unable to throw any away just as one would no sooner toss out a ruby or diamond. I don’t think I realized it at first, but these gems became a regular source of joy every time I read them – a trigger for a smile or a fond memory.
It is my gratitude for thank you notes that I have cultivated a habit of writing them. In this case, I am painting one.
This painting is for a friend who has bought my paintings, commissioned me, supplied me with many source images, and most recently, donated several art supplies. What better gift to a patron than a painting?
And thank you for being here and taking joy in art.
Watch the sunset come alive:
A time-lapse video of the process and the paints used.